Tomato Seeds (Rakshak )
Mini's Lifestyle Hub

Tomato Seeds (Rakshak )

Regular price ₹ 35.00 Sale price ₹ 45.00 Unit price per
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  • Yields up to 18 kg/plant and upto 50 tonns per acre .
  • Successfully withstood against ToLCV, BW & EB in farmers’ fields
  • Harvesting Starts within 75-80 days of Transplanting.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 35
Common Name Tomato,Arka Rakshak
Height determinate 3 to 4 ft, indeterminate 7 to 15
Flower Colour Yellow
Bloom Time Year round
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting And Care

  • Water generously for the first few days
  • Water well throughout growing season, about 2 inches per week during the summer
  • Keep watering consistent!Mulch five weeks after transplanting to retain moisture
  • To help tomatoes through periods of drought, find some flat rocks and place one next to each plant
  • The rocks pull up water from under the ground and keep it from evaporating into the atmosphere
  • Fertilize two weeks prior to first picking and again two weeks after first picking
  • If using stakes, prune plants by pinching off suckers so that only a couple stems are growing per stake
  • Practice crop rotation from year to year to prevent diseases that may have over wintered

Tomato Ped Care

  • The tomato is a vigorously growing plant with attractive foliage resembling the potato, its cousin
  • The plants have a decided odour caused by gland hairs on the stems and leaves, which give off a strong-scented oil and stain when broken
  • The fruit is borne on spurs, which develop directly from the stem
  • Tomatoes should not be planted outdoors until day and night temperatures are about 55 degrees
  • Low temperatures (below 55 degrees) prevent fruit set
  • Soil temperatures should be at least 55-60 F to transplant
  • Otherwise plants may turn yellow, become stunted and slow to bear
  • Seed should be started indoors 6-8 weeks before plants are set out, or use transplants, which are widely available
Sunlight Full sun, Partial sun
Watering Tomato plants need at least an inch of water per week; so water them well, especially during dry spells.
Soil Choose well drained, deep and loamy soil.
Plan on providing fertile, organically enriched soil with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8 for best flavour.
Blossom-end rot is due to calcium deficiency. Lime the tomato soil at the rate of 5 pounds per 100 square feet.
Temperature Germination 60 to 85 FFor Growth 70 to 75 F
Fertilizer Fertilizer formulas such as 5-10-10 are good.Bone meal or ground rock phosphate are also good.
Harvest Season Throughout the year